Our Goal

Our goal is to nurture independent thinkers, enthusiastic learners, active explorers and investigators, compassionate human beings and to develop a deep appreciation for the beauty of nature and our responsibilities for its preservation.

We seek to create a holistic and resource-rich learning environment that promotes relationships, collaboration, community involvement, and the freedom and support for children to passionately pursue their interests.

Our Values

We believe that compassion, empathy and loving kindness for all living things, and especially ourselves, is to be nurtured and cultivated, every day, at every age.

We believe in life-long learning, play, in depth projects born out of passions, purposeful integrated and meaningful academics, and reflective practices.   All of these for children and ourselves!

Our Philosophy

As  Life-Long Learners, Nature Educators and Action Researchers working, playing and exploring with children every day, we have many opportunities to reflect upon our practice and observe first-hand the positive impact that an authentic, responsive and reflective approach has on young lives.

Our foundation is built on contemplative practices , informed by progressive, social-constructivist learning theory.  deep nature connection and mindfulness.  You can see this represented through-out our work.

We are dedicated to a philosophy that sees children as whole, capable human beings, having the right to co-construct their educational experience. We strive to create an atmosphere where children feel like a valued member of our learning community.  We encourage and support children to find and voice their unique gifts in a loving, supportive, and respectful environment.

Our Approach

Our approach is inspired by experiential and inquiry-based learning, the teacher-researchers of Reggio Emilia, Italy, the beauty and fantasy of the Rudolf Steiner schools, the European “Forest” school movement, Maria Montessori and secular Buddhism.

We are eager to connect and build authentic relationships with children and each other. Think BIG extended family!  We value differences and meeting children (and grown ups) right where they are, in their joys and struggles and finding our shared humanity.  We believe in lifting up and supporting one another on all levels.

Action Research

In addition to our role as co-learners, creators and mentors, we are action researchers actively questioning, observing and reflecting on our educational project, and this is an integral part of what we do.  We have an extensive database of more than a decade of children’s work in a nature and arts based setting. Through reflection and research, we engage in the systematic study of our own practice and continually seek to answer questions we have about teaching and learning, and our own effectiveness.

Making Learning Visible

This website is a collaborative effort between us and the children we explore with to make some of our learning stories virtually visible in order to stimulate dialogue and collaboration.   We hope to inspire educators and parents to create authentic, rich, social learning environments and support systems in their own families and communities.

We hope to share many of our experiences exploring, learning and playing outdoors in all kinds of weather.  We are adding content and project work every day. Many of the posts, or content are developed by the children, either through dictation, audio or video recordings or art.  Their work is documented by us through narrative, video or photos.

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