“We found a ladybug.  I called everybody to see it.  On the computer it said that Ladybugs had smooth eggs, but we saw this on a leaf, and it was round.  Is it eggs?  We don’t know what it is.”  Emily, age 5

A group of 5-8 year old children are interested to learn about the Ladybugs in our garden.  We spent the day researching, drawing, writing about, and searching The Meadow for these amazing creatures.

We researched ladybugs, and found lots of interesting information.  We made Mind Maps to remember the facts.

“The ladybugs eat bugs.  The aphids squirt honeydew, it’s called honeydew because it tastes like honey and it’s dew, so the ladybugs won’t eat them . The ladybugs don’t like it ’cause it’s sticky.  They have to clean it all off of their pincers.”

We searched all over the garden for aphids, and ladybugs.

We finally found some on a leaf!

Wonder where they will take it tomorrow.

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